Microsoft to Delay Next Version of Windows | Det Progressiva USA

STEVE LOHR och LAURIE J. FLYNN rapporterar i dagens New York Times attMicrosoft to Delay Next Version of Windows – New York Times
Yesterday, Microsoft said Vista would be ready for large business customers, who typically buy the company’s software in multiyear licenses, in November. But the consumer rollout will be pushed back to January 2007.

The Microsoft announcement, made after the close of the stock market, came as a surprise. For more than a year, the company had said it would deliver the new operating system, Windows Vista, sometime in the second half of 2006.

Yesterday, Microsoft said Vista would be ready for large business customers, who typically buy the company’s software in multiyear licenses, in November. But the consumer rollout will be pushed back to January 2007.

The slippage, analysts said, is likely to have little lasting impact on Microsoft or PC sales. But it points to the trouble the company has had designing and debugging the new operating system, brimming with features, complexity and an estimated 50 million lines of code.

50 miljoner rader kod som för det mesta består av C++ och C kod. Med dagens teknologi verkar det vara gränsen för vad mänskligheten kan åstadkomma.